Involve is a company limited by guarantee having no share capital and having been formally registered in 1988. The company is the main provider of Traveller youth services in Ireland. Our services are closely aligned with Local Government, ETBs, and National Traveller Organisations, working to form key strategic partnerships to deliver on national priorities. Involve introduced its Governance structure in 2013; this structure ensures maximum transparency and efficiency in the work we carry out across the organisation.
Our governance structure ensures that we broaden the relationships between members and National Office and ensure a good flow of communications.
Charities Governance Code
Involve is working its way through the various actions for compliance of the Charities Governance Code.
This Charities Governance Code explains the minimum standards Involve should meet to effectively manage and control our charity. Good governance requires putting in place systems and processes to ensure that Involve achieves its charitable objectives with integrity and is managed in an effective, efficient, accountable and transparent way.